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Health care that's better by design

Woman holding child
In life’s ordinary and extraordinary health moments, you deserve health support you can trust. Quick answers to your simplest and your most difficult questions. Plans and pricing built around you. Guidance about which providers will cost you less, are most convenient, and deliver the correct care the first time. This is health care that’s better by design. This is Cigna Healthcare.

Designing a better experience


Here for you in life’s ordinary and extraordinary health moments


Less hospital time, more family time

For Cigna Healthcare members, integrated medical, pharmacy and behavioral benefits reduce hospital stays by 31%1 and preventable trips to the emergency room by 22%.2 Integrated benefits from Cigna Healthcare are designed to improve health, reduce costs, and simplify care.

Designing a better standard of care.

Designing more personalized care

Ineffective musculoskeletal (MSK) treatments can lead to costs being inflated by as much as 40%.3

Getting our members the right care at the right time makes all the difference.  Our predictive models and data analytics make early identification and intervention possible and enable more personalized care. It’s how we eliminate ineffective treatments, reduce costs, and improve our customers’ lives.

Designing better access to care

The U.S. is facing a mental health crisis.
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One in four adults suffers from a mental health condition.4

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55% of adults with a mental health condition don’t receive care.5

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Six weeks is the average wait time to see a therapist.6

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There is a 35% drop in productivity when depressed workers don’t receive treatment.7

Our members get connected to mental health support faster, and we have licensed clinicians available 24/7/365.

Improving ways to manage GLP-1 costs

Research indicates the GLP-1 market will exceed $100B by 2030, driven equally by those using GLP-1s for diabetes and for obesity.8

As the demand for GLP-1s for weight loss grows, much of the expense falls to employers. Cigna Healthcare helps manage those expenses through price protections that include enhanced coverage criteria and cost caps.

Person looking with glasses

1. Cigna Healthcare Analytics Health Matters Care Management program evaluation, October 2020–March 2023, with members identified from April 2021 to March 2022. Measure of engaged vs non-engaged members, with relative reduction. Results may vary.

2. 2022 matched case-control study of 2021 medical claims for One Guide high-engaged clients/members with 24-month coverage compared to One Guide low-engaged population with 24-month coverage. Results may vary

3. Atsma F, Molenkamp O, Bouma H, Bolder SB, Groenewoud AS & Westert GP. “Uniform criteria for total hip replacement surgery in patients with hip osteoarthritis: a decision tool to guide treatment decisions.” International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2021 Mar 4;33(1):mzab030. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzab030. PMID: 33616656; PMCID: PMC7941208.

4. John Hopkins Medicine. “Mental Health Disorder Statistics.” January 24, 2022.

5. Reinert, M, Fritze, D. & Nguyen, T. “The State of Mental Health in America 2023” Mental Health America, Alexandria VA. Oct. 2022.

6. Nietzel, Michael T Almost Half of Americans Don’t Seek Professional Help For Mental Disorders, Forbes. May 24, 2021.

7. Leonhardt, Megan. “Workplace mental health benefits can reduce sick days, increase productivity – and even provide savings for employers” Fortune, June 9, 2022.

8. J.P. Morgan. "The increase in appetite for obesity drugs." November 29, 2023.